Switzerland – Cut flowers

Saturday, June 20, 2009 · Posted in

A s expected before, the Valentine’s cut flower
demand, sales and results were very good and
considerably better than in previous years. As
traditionally, the roses have been the best sellers.
Prices were very high, but even so they have been
selling easily. The only one problem was that certain
special varieties from Ecuador were in shortage. On
the other hand, African roses were plentiful. Very
positive was the general quality level of the roses
this year, which has sometimes been problematic in
previous years. Other very good results were
obtained with heliconias, calla lilies (zantedeschia),
leucospermum cordifolium, and king proteas. Even
during the post-Valentine weeks the market
remained rather good and steady, in spite of the fact
that the winter holidays and the carnival were taking
place, while normally the market is much slower and
quieter during these events. As from the end of the
month, the supplied assortment has become wider,
since the so-called spring flowers

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