Monday, August 20, 2012


Shrubs and perennial, herbaceous plants. Propagation by cuttings. Light-loving plants. In winter, you want a short-term drop in temperature to 12 degrees.
General information about Pachystachys
Pachystachys, acanthus family.
Population: In the genus of 12 species.
Place of Origin: Tropical America, Peru.
Use: flowering.
The size of the plant: up to 1 m in height.
Height: very fast.
Flowering: March-October. Pachystachys bloom very willingly, but only on the young shoots. So plants are pruned regularly.

Varieties Pachystachys
Pachystachys yellow (Pachystachys lutea)

Evergreen shrub up to 1 m tall, with slender shoots. The leaves are opposite, up to 12 cm long, oval, pointed, with a clear veining. Inflorescence spicate, to 10 cm long, erect at the ends of the shoots. Bracts are bright orange-yellow. White flowers, up to 5 cm long, quickly falling. Corolla bilabiate.
Care and maintenance Pachystachys.

temperature (summer): 18 - 20
temperature (winter): 12 - 20

Lighting Pachystachys: Pachystachys loves a bright place with a bright diffused light and protected from direct sunlight in summer.
Pachystachys Watering: Abundant in spring and summer. Winter watered sparingly, letting the soil dry out well, but not allowing complete drying of the land.

Reproduction Pachystachys spring cuttings.

The best method of propagation Pachystachys - cuttings. After trimming is a lot of green cuttings, which can be used as seed. It's enough to land them in warm loose soil.

Stem cuttings - about 10-15 cm long. It is best to plant in one pot a few cuttings.

Humidity: Pachystachys like frequent and regular spraying in the spring and summer. Pachystachys can put on a tray with water, but the roots do not have to be in the water.

Transplant Pachystachys a: Transplanted Pachystachys every spring. Soil - 2 pieces of clay and sod land, 1 part peat, 1 part leaf, 1 part humus and one part sand. Good drainage is required.

Fertilizing Pachystachys a: Fertilizer fertilizing with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants from April to August every two weeks.

Cropping Pachystachys a: During transplant Pachystachys pruned to make the plant more bushes. Spring and can be shortened by cutting too long shoots, not to gain more flower buds.

After flowering cut faded bracts.
Pests and diseases Pachystachys a

Dry brown leaf tips:
- Because of the very dry and hot air. Pachystachys not like temperatures above 21 ° C.
- For lack of power, because the Pachystachys fast grower, needs regular fertilizing in spring and summer;
- Because of the lack of moisture - Pachystachys likes stagnant water, but drying earthen coma just unacceptable, the land should be slightly humidity.
The plant is extended, and the new leaves are small - because of the lack of light - Pachystachys not like direct sunlight in the summer, but the place for him to be bright.
In winter, the leaves fall off - if it's too cold, Pachystachys not tolerate temperatures below 12 ° C. And also, if on the contrary, too hot and dry in the room.
Pachystachys can often amazed mealy bugs, beetle and spider mites.
Special care special care: The drafts and drying of the soil plants shed their leaves.

In spring and summer bush must abundantly watered and sprayed with water at room temperature twice a day - morning and evening. Fertilizer complex mineral fertilizers should be done once a week. The fall to gradually reduce watering. In winter, the frequency of watering depends on the speed of drying earthen coma. The air temperature at the same time should be around 12 ° C. Spraying can be done once a week. If the air is too dry, then spray the plant to be more, or tips of the leaves turn yellow. In warmer months, the leaves brush should be washed with water at least once every two weeks. When planting is best to use a soil mix consisting of two parts of the leaf, two parts peat, one part humus soil and one part sand. Spring should be pruning shrubs. This will not only give it a beautiful shape, but also to clear the plant from old branches and leaves.
This plant is the color of the sun, the heat of the summer and for a long time will give you a good mood.
Blindingly bright exotics
Compact growth, densely spaced, amazingly bright blossoms and long flowering period - these qualities have allowed Pachystachys u compete well with other flowering plants.
In Russia Pachystachys (Pachystachys) became popular in the culture room no more than 10 years ago, went on sale compact low shape yellow section obtained in the Netherlands from the treatment slows the growth retardants. This plant - and the relative beloperone ruellii, long known flowering potted plants from the family of the acanthus.
Pachystachys blooms in early spring and long blooming, so a couple of plants in pots of bright winter blues perfectly disperses.
Care Secrets
Care Pachystachys om simple. It needs bright location throughout the year, but shade from direct sunlight on hot days. The optimum temperature 18-25 ° C content is lowered in the winter to 15 0C.
During the period of active growth from spring to autumn Pachystachys watered profusely. Winter - just as the drying of the top layer of the substrate in the pot. When drying of earthen clod Pachystachys shed their leaves.

Humidity maintained regular spraying and setting the pot with a plant in a tray with pebbles continuously humidified or expanded clay.

Propagation is by cuttings Pachystachys. Apical and medial stem cuttings are rooted in a mixture of peat and sand or peat moss and sand. They can take root and just in water with pieces of charcoal for disinfection.
During rooting cuttings should be as warm as possible, preferably in the lower teplichke heated to 25 ° C.
Rooted cuttings are planted in separate pots, and in the growth process a few times to get good pinch branched shrubs. Usually planted 3-5 cuttings in one pot to form a lush, blooming profusely instance.
With the dramatic growth, especially when flowering, floral required feeding liquid fertilizer 1razv 10 days.

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