Monday, August 20, 2012


Synonym “Justice”. Acanthaceae has about 50 species of herbs and shrubs in the family acanthus, in the wild common in Brazil, Mexico and Bolivia.
Jacobinia Justice - a perennial evergreen shrub, often reaching a height of 1.5 m Stalks straight semi lignified, swollen at the nodes, the reddish-brown. The leaves are opposite, oblong-oval, pointed at the tips, green or variegated. The flowers are tubular, two-lipped, and solitary or clustered in a very fine large spike inflorescence. Decorative they give elongated bracts of different colors - yellow, red, orange, sometimes white and pink.

By type inflorescences and their location on the shoots are two of the Jacobinia.

Species with flowers in terminal inflorescences
Jacobinia brandegeana - evergreen small, highly branched shrub with small leaves up to 7 cm long, ovate-oblong, opposite, slightly hairy, dull-green, forming a delicate crown. Shoots drooping at the ends of most of the year there are spike inflorescence more than 10 cm long. The inflorescence consists of two-lipped tubular white flowers that are in the axils of reddish or yellowish-brown bracts resembling hop cones (because this plant is sometimes called the home hops). Flowers bloom gradually, one by one. And even when they wither and fall off, inflorescence a long time not lose its decorative and visual appeal. At home Jacobinia Brandegeana reaches 0.8-1 m high. Has several varieties.
Jacobinia carnea - shrub with slightly branched erect stems 0,6-1.5 m tall. Leaves opposite located, oval, 15-20 cm long, tapering to the top, pubescent, with wavy edges, dark green above, pale green below. Flowers are small, densely arranged on the inflorescences, 10-12 cm long, or forming a rounded head, 5 cm long, bright pink. Bracts lancelets, oblong-ciliated, bifurcated along, sticky, purple.
Jacobinia pohliana - shrub with slightly branched erect stems, height of 1.5 meters. The leaves are opposite, oblong, 15-20 cm long, with a slightly wavy edge, almost naked, purple, shiny, on a long, 8 cm long, petiole. Flowers in terminal inflorescences, pink.
Views from the flowers on the side shoots.
Jacobinia ghiesbrechtiana - shrubs up to 1 m tall, branched stems with reddish internodes. The leaves are ovate-lancelets, 7-15 cm long, leathery. Flowers on short stalks, sessile, usually 2-4 on the tips of axillary shoots, fiery red with a whisk 3-4 cm long, with a bi-lobed upper and lower lip trilobite, ciliated throat.
Jacobinia pauciflora  - low-growing shrubs, only 30-60 cm tall, with drooping, branched stems. The leaves are elliptical, tapering to the top and at the base, leathery, up to 7 cm long and 3 cm wide, with the upper larger lower. Flowers single, bi-color, red, and orange-yellow color, 2 cm long, corolla tube often with spotty. Blooms profusely.

For normal development of the Jacobinia need bright, filtered light. Summer to shade from the midday sun. In winter, the plant takes a few hours of light to direct sunlight. It grows well under artificial light.

The optimum temperature for the Jacobinia in the spring and summer, 20-25 ° C, in winter rather 16-18 ° C. Summer will feel good on the balcony, terrace, in the garden. In September, brought into the house, or grown as an annual plant. Winter for most temperature should not fall below 16 ° C. For plants with flowers on lateral shoots in the winter to bloom bright room at a temperature of 10-12 ° C, since the heat does not stimulate flowering.
Air humidity
Jacobinia prefer high humidity, it requires regular spraying the leaves with a soft To defend water pots recommended to put in large pans, lined with damp moss or expanded clay. Humidity, if possible, should not fall below 60%.
In spring and summer, plants need abundant watering soft water having stood, as the drying of the top layer of the substrate. In winter, the temperature is lowered to 15-17 ° C limit watering. If the plant overwinter in a warm dry place to reduce the watering should be avoided. We cannot allow dry up earthen coma, otherwise you may fall off the flowers and leaves.

During the period of active growth Jacobinia fed inorganic or organic fertilizer every 10 days. When overfeeding plant produces large leaves and blooms.
Early spring Jacobinia necessarily pruned, leaving each shoot, 2-3 internodes. Pruning increases tillering, which in turn leads to increased mass flowering. Remaining after pruning shoots can be used as cuttings for propagation. Older plants can be cut short and transplanted into a smaller bowl.
Jacobinia suitable for humus substrate (pH 5.5-6.5), consisting of sheet turf ground, humus, peat and sand in equal parts.
Jacobinia transplanted in early spring as needed in a larger pot, gently, taking care not to damage the root system. Jacobinia oliganthous transplanted after flowering, in January - February.
Jacobinia propagated by cuttings and seeds.
The seeds germinate in soil at or below 20-25 ° C.
Species with flowers in terminal inflorescences are propagated by cuttings from January to April at 20-22 ° C. After rooting young plants are planted, one in 7-cm pots or three - to 11-cm pots, without further handling. Young plants pinch out two or three times. February deadline grafting cuttings blooming in July, March - September-October.
Views from the flowers on the side shoots propagated by herbaceous cuttings in January and February. After rooting young plants are planted in the 9-11-cm pots for 3-5 copies. The temperature is maintained at least 18 ° C. After the first handling temperature is lowered to 16 ° C. Contain a sunny spot. Young plants pinch out 2-3 times to encourage branching.

Diseases and pests
Jacobinia quite resistant to diseases and pests are rarely affected. If too dry, the content may damage spider mites. First sign of a tick - yellowing leaves drooping, silvery webs on the underside of leaves. Should frequently wash and spray the plant with warm water. Remove affected leaves. With strong infection process a plant act face (15-20 drops to 1 liter of water).
Possible difficulties
Exfoliate - excessive soil moisture or soil dry up.
Too large leaves and blooms - excess fertilizer.
Yellowing leaves - dark and damp winter stay.
Leaves are falling - low humidity.
Jacobinia - ordinary indoor miracle
These shrubs with large glossy leaves are especially good in the bright floral dress exotic "Sultans" charming two-color or "bells".

Rhode Jacobinia, or Justice, as it is often called, consists of 50 species of perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs, common in Central and South America. Many of them are flowering plants that are cultivated in greenhouses and botanical gardens thrive in flower farms.

Care depends on the Jacobinia
Jacobinia bodily - photophilous and heat-loving plant that can grow only in the rooms. In the summer it can not make the open air. In winter, the Jacobinia must be protected from drafts, summer - from direct sunlight. In the period of rapid growth - in the spring and summer - it needs much water, on hot days - spraying.
Jacobinia few-- hardier species prefers cool content. In the summer it can be taken on the balcony or take out to the country and put in a garden. In winter, this species grows well at 10-12 ° C.
To increase the humidity of the pot with the plant is useful to put in a pan filled with constantly moisturize gravel or expanded clay, or an inverted saucer set in a wide and low bowl with water.
Jacobinia spring transplant into fresh soil. The mixture can be formed independently of sod land, leaf, humus, peat and sand, taken in equal parts.

When transplanting perform pruning, so that the plant does not become bare at the bottom. Stems larger specimens cut almost to the ground, leaving no more than two pairs of leaves. This causes the active growth and branching. Pruning can be carried out in the autumn, after flowering. In this case, the Jacobinia should be kept at a temperature of 16 ° C and slightly reduce watering.

Propagation is by cuttings Jacobinia often. Remove cuttings from young shoots in spring. Shoot tips of up to 10 cm can take root in water or in a mixture of peat and sand in “rooting room” heated to 20 - 25 0C. Rooting occurs within two to three weeks.

Young plants seedlings into individual pots with several eggs, then you'll have a magnificent specimen. As the pinch to encourage branching shoot tips.

Fire Shades
In addition to the pink bodily there are varieties with other shades of colors - from orange to red. The flowers are very nice on the background of bright and large, up to 20 cm long, oblong-ovate leaves with a pointed tip.

Bicolor Campanula
In Jacobinia few-or Justice Ritstsini
(Jacobinia pauciflora), flowers appear singly in the leaf axils. Though they do not form a showy inflorescence, but differ in interesting color: red at the base and at the top - yellow.

Jacobinia bodily - the most popular type. She comes from Brazil, where it grows in tropical rain forests and along rivers. Blossoms Jacobian for several weeks from June to September. Following faded apical buds in the axils of the upper leaves blossom new.
Jacobinia - photophilous plant, but it can be put on screen, behind which is a tree or shrub. Her neighbors in the photo - more shade-tolerant plants - yucca, scented pelargonium, agave, dracaena. On the south window not forget to protect the Jacobinia of the direct sun.
New plants are grown from cuttings. Large specimens occupy much space in the room, so the growers prefer every two years to grow new plants from cuttings.

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