Types Of Roses,types of roses with pictures,types of roses by color,types of roses and meanings,types of roses names
Picking a rose plant is a matter of personal preference. Do you want fragrance, a climber, lots of blooms, a certain bloom size, or a compact plant? Here are the types of roses and their basic differences so you choose the type that fits your gardening plan:

Floribundas: Free-blooming shrubs that produce tons of flowers, usually borne in large clusters. One of the best types of roses for landscaping.
Grandifloras: Vigorous bushes producing large, beautifully formed flowers that are more likely to be borne in clusters than one to a stem. 'Queen Elizabeth' is a classic grandiflora.
Hybrid teas: The most popular type of rosebush, with beautiful long-stemmed flowers that are ideal for cutting.
Miniatures: Small in leaf and stature but big in amount of bloom. Grow only 4 to 36 inches high but make great landscape plants, especially as edgings and in containers.
Old garden and species roses (Antique roses): A huge group of roses varying in plant habit and flower type. A larger number bloom only once a year. Many have extremely fragrant and/or uniquely formed flowers.
Polyanthas: Small, compact shrubs producing large clusters of flowers. Good landscape plants.